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This is where your next holiday begins...

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12.1 °C
Obertrum on the lake

Lake temperatures

8.1 °C
Obertrumer See

 - Service Info - Ice rink

Ice rink


Welcome to
Obertrum on the lake


Obertrum-flight_take_2012_4000 (C)TVB Obertrum


Obertrum am See: sipping a beer under old lime trees or at the fountain, swimming fun in and around the "Trumer See", fantastic views and pure nature, hiking, cycling ...
Bauernherbst, ice skating, strolling through the Advent market or simply relaxing.

You will feel at home with us!


Obertrum, situated at the southern end of the lake of the same name, is nestled in the rolling hills and valleys of Salzburg's Seenlandes.

Our community of 5,000 souls invites you to discover and stay - with a wide range of possibilities for a varied holiday.

Whether you are out and about on foot or by bike, you will benefit from well-maintained hiking and cycling trails along the Obertrumer See or up the Haunsberg ... and be rewarded with breathtaking views far into the Alps. For refreshment afterwards, you might enjoy a visit to the Staffl lido - an ideal place for swimming and enjoying the

Would you like a little culture? The museum in the Einlegerhaus with its changing exhibitions is educational and interesting. Art on a slightly different level is offered by the Trumer Privatbrauerei with its delicious beers. The traditional family business gladly welcomes visitors. And on special occasions it flows from the fountain directly in front of the Braugasthof Sigl, ... the beer.

Also: The beer cabaret offers a varied programme. The Trumer Triathlon is known far beyond the borders as the venue of the Austrian National Championships for short and middle distance. And in winter, young and old alike can enjoy the ice skating rink right in the centre. 

Trummer Summer Cinema ©wildbild

Obertrum am See offers a variety of Sports and leisure activities like the Trumer Triathlon, hiking, water sports and much more.
The Trumer Triathlon is a popular sporting event in the region.
The Bike rental offers the possibility to explore the surroundings by bike.
The Obertrum am See lido invites you to linger with the whole family on warm summer days.
Here you will find all sports and leisure activities

©Trumer Triathlon

The Bauernherbst has been writing a true success story since it first opened 28 years ago in Obertrum am See in Salzburg Seenland.

Throughout SalzburgerLand, visitors come to a variety of events and celebrate with the locals. Whether young or old - people still like to go to the sociable events in Dirndl & Lederhosen.

On this day, visitors can look forward to a unique experience in Salzburg's beautiful Seenland. Big atmospheric Bauernherbst festival and the motor-free day around the lake.

The Obertrum market festival on the day before the opening of the farmers' market by the associations and the popular Trumer Hop Harvest Festival in September are also fixed points in the calendar.

More info under www.bauernherbst.co.at

Bauernherbst_Obertrum_KinderTrachtenGruppe (C) SalzburgerSeenland

Plan your next holiday in
Obertrum on the lake


Holiday catalogues
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Around 55 brochures and leaflets are available for your holiday planning. Pick out what interests you most by topic and location....

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Tourist Office Obertrum Logo

Tourist office
pin_drop School Street 2
5162 Obertrum am See

mail Send e-mail phone_iphone +43 6219 6307

Opening hours

MO, MI, FR: 9.00 - 12.00 a.m.

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