For decades, Seeham has been characterised by the organic commitment of its inhabitants. People know the Bio Heu Region, 80% of all farmers are committed to organic farming, sustainability is lived in all aspects of society. Now the organic village of Seeham is getting a house, a physical centre that reflects all this: the BioArt Campus.
On an area of 5,000 sqm, this campus is being created that is fully dedicated to the topics of organic, sustainability and, above all, a future worth living for generations. In addition to 27 companies that will move into the campus from July 2022, organic will also be made tangible.
At the BioArt Campus, masters of their trade produce and present organic food, here they train and inform, here they cook and taste. In the Bio Laden Seeham you can buy organic food from the region and enjoy it in the Bio Café. But this is also where research is carried out, where new products are developed and where work is done on a sustainable future. The campus as a lighthouse project will be a platform for national and international experts and the place for symposia, seminars and workshops.
Experience organic sensually
The centrepiece on the ground floor, and thus a very important building block, is a large, approx. 300 sqm. Organic shop which carries regional, but also national organic producers in its assortment. The Wallner family, operators of the shop, are also the owners of the Salzburg Oil Mill, which is moving its production site to Seeham.
The oil mill is part of the second building block for the sensory experience at the BioArt Campus: the manufactories. 5 producers show on site how their pleasure products are made. In addition to the oil mill, these include: the Farthofer organic distillery, the T³ Torten, Trainings and more manufactory.... the organic coffee roastery "Naturkaffee" and the spread manufacturer "Wås Guad's". Here, the products are produced that the guest, the customer, can buy in the organic shop or that are then also processed in the organic café.
The third building block is also located on the ground floor: it is an open-plan kitchen that BioArtrium Pleasure Workshopwhere cooking courses, product developments as well as tastings will take place. The enjoyable experience of organic products will be possible at events such as the annual open days, but also for reserved groups.
The sensual experience rounds off the gastronomy. The Organic Caféwhich will be opened in a second step, invites you to linger with its large terrace overlooking the Obertrumer See. It goes without saying that organic quality food will be used for the seasonal menu.
BioArt Campus Office
Mon - Fri: 07:00 - 17:00
T. +43 (0) 6217 21900