Since 2016, the Local currency Mattsees, the "Mattsee tenner" the local economy. In recent years, the local currency has developed into a success story. The Mattsee tenner can be purchased or given as a gift on various occasions. It is particularly popular as a birthday or anniversary present.
As more than ninety per cent of the first edition of the Mattsee tenner is already in circulation, a further 10,000 units were recently reprinted. Now also in a smaller format so that the vouchers fit in every wallet. At the same time, the Mattsee Zehner was given a big brother, the "Mattsee Zwanziger". As an extension to the Mattsee tenner, the Mattsee twenty also has a number of security features to guarantee counterfeit protection.
The local currency can be redeemed in about 50 Mattseer establishments.
The current status of the participating companies can be found on the website of the Place Marketing Mattsee take out.