The Krimpelstätterhof is located amidst the tranquil green landscape of the Mattigtal valley near Seekirchen am Wallersee.
The farm has been run by the Mangelberger family since 1978 in the old tradition of dairy farming, which was previously run by the Krimpelstätter family. Here, in 1994, Josef Mangelberger Sr. fulfilled his dream of having his own cheese dairy, the Mattigtaler farm cheese dairy, realised.
Even back then, he was fascinated by the precious raw material milk and what could be made from it. 70 dairy cows supply valuable organic hay milk, which is processed immediately a few metres away.
The higher the quality of the milk, the higher the quality of the product, was his philosophy from the beginning, which ultimately enabled him to achieve the excellent quality of the products. Together with eight employees, the family has developed their business into a real speciality paradise.
Mattigtaler farm cheese dairy
Mangelberger family
Kraiham 9
5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee
T. +43 6212/7128