The Wenger Moor in Köstendorf is one of the largest near-natural moorland areas in Salzburg's Flachgau region.
Children and parents discover a wide variety of biotopes during their visit, such as raised bogs, lowland bogs and transitional bogs, as well as litter and wet meadows and small streams. Cyclists and walkers are always fascinated by the character of the raised bogs and the former peat bogs. The litter meadows also impress with their scenic attractions at any time of the year.
In this Nature and bird reserve are home to many endangered plant species. In addition, the Wenger Moor is an important breeding and resting area for countless bird species.
Variant 1: The 3 km long theme trail from Köstendorf / Weng leads along well-maintained farm tracks and is also passable with prams or a good introductory hike for small children.
Variant 2: From Neumarkt lido From here, the path leads along the right bank of the 1TP5 river. At the end of the promenade, take a few steps to the right to reach the hamlet of Wiererbauer. A display board points the way to the Wenger Moor. The marked circular trail offers the opportunity to observe rare plants and birds. Peat ponds also invite you to visit. The circular trail leads back to Wiererbauern and from there over a ridge with an impressive view of Wallersee back to the starting point. (not suitable for prams)
If you follow trail N3, you will reach the 1TP5 circular trail via Seekirchen and Henndorf.
INFORMATION: (Variant 1)
Parking space: Weng (Metalltech Neudecker junction) south of the railway subway.
Directions: 3 km long themed trail, service road is suitable for prams
Directions: The Wengermoor can be reached via the Seekirchner Landesstraße L238 near the village of Weng.
Worth seeing: Nature and bird reserve
Public transport: Best with the ÖBB stop Weng
Diversions Weng
Parking space: Wallersee East Bay
Directions: approx. 1.5 hours, Strict nature reserve
Equipment: light hiking gear
Refreshment stop: Seehotel Winkler, Strandcafe Neumarkt, Wallerseealm
Contact Guided walks:
Josef Wengler
T. +43 664 1431008