Puzzle adventure with the detective badger
The Detective Trail offers exciting puzzle fun for young and old. From April until the end of October you can solve riddles together with the detective badger and explore Neumarkt on Wallersee in the process. At different stations, you have to solve exciting riddles with a writing utensil or app, skill and brains, find the treasure chest at the end and enjoy an instant prize. The 5-kilometre-long Detective Trail takes you through and around Neumarkt am Wallersee and is suitable for families with children as well as school groups.
The Detective Trail
The Detective Trail in Neumarkt begins at the Communitywhere the first riddle is to be solved. Then it is a matter of following the described tracks and directions. Going for a walk? Boring! Go on a treasure hunt? Oh yes! On the new "Detective Trail" in Neumarkt am Wallersee there is now a lot to discover for families or school classes. And with the exciting puzzles, everyone learns something through play.
So if you have two to three hours to spare, are good on your feet, like solving puzzles and want to explore Neumarkt on Wallersee, you'll like the Detective Trail.
How it works
A start is possible at any time and without pre-registration. The Detective Trail can be accessed via Detective Trail App (smartphones iOS and Android) or with a printed detective trail map.
Click here for the print treasure map
Puzzle adventure from 6 years
Single ticket: 7 €
Family ticket: 20 € (maximum 3 children)
Duration: around 2.5 hours
Distance: about 5 km
Directions & Arrival:
Neumarkt am Wallersee is easily accessible both by car and by public transport.
By car: 90-minute short-stay parking zones at the Lötschen car park or the cemetery car park.
By bus: Line 130, Stadtplatz stop. There you get directly onto the Detective Trail.
By train: Get off at the Neumarkt stop at Wallersee and walk about 15 minutes to the start. .
So if you have two to three hours to spare, are good on your feet, enjoy solving puzzles and want to explore Neumarkt on Wallersee, you will have a lot of fun on the Detective Trail.