... the story behind 42 objects in Markt Straßwalchen.
The civic association Markt Straßwalchen has designed this path and thus tells the history of Straßwalchen at 39 houses and 3 stelae, which in former times and partly still today served the trade.
Immerse yourself in local history, you will learn much more than just historical dates!
Parking: Parish church Straßwalchen or parking Schwemmstraße (subject to charge)
Refreshment stops: Kirchenwirt Straßwalchen, Gasthof zur Post, Pizzeria Casa Verona, Café Plainer, Café Bachmaier, Pizzeria Marettimo
WC: Public WC at the cemetery (Aufbahrungshalle) near the Straßwalchen parish church.
Straßwalchen Tourist Office
T. +43 6215 6420