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in Seeham

The Biodorf Seeham offers in the Bauernherbst a colourful mixture of handicrafts, herbal life and delicious delicacies.

As a prelude to the farmers' autumn, the motor-free family day around the Obertrumer See is a fixed point in the calendar. Cyclists and walkers romp along the closed roads and enjoy delicacies from the region.

The arts and crafts market directly at Obertrumer See with around 90 exhibitors attracts guests from home and abroad every year. Every Friday, the doors of various craftsmen are open, where you can look over the shoulder of Kugelmüller Paul, Schmiedin Monika or Paulsepplbauer Hans while they are breaking. The Teufelsgraben (Devil's Ditch) opens up a mystical world of experience when the Aicherbauer tells his stories during a wildly romantic legend hike.

Bauernherbst in Seeham ©TVB Seeham
Matzinger Fountain in Seeham, Cycling in the Farmer's Autumn ©TVB Seeham

Team TVB Seeham

Tourist Office Biodorf Seeham - Logo

Tourist office
pin_drop Village 12
5164 Seeham

mail Send e-mail phone_iphone +43 6217 5493

Opening hours
door_open April:
MO to FR 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
May to Sept:
MO to SO 9-12 and 14-17

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